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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Nutrition weight loss female

Bodybuilding, fitness is not just a man's sport is thankfully. We rarely find food programs for weight loss / hair for women while they represent about 40% of practitioners. Women often struggle to find food weight loss plan / dryer.

We have designed for you ladies an eating plan to lose weight / dry. This dietary program based on selected foods gives you about 1,500 calories per 150 g carbohydrate, 130 g of protein and 35 g fat. It is ideal for a woman with a daily energy expenditure of 2000 calories (1m70 60 kg) and having a sport like bodybuilding / fitness. If your spending is less than 2000 then lower amounts of food.

Breakfast (7 am-7:30)
.40 grams of oatmeal
.250g cheese 0%
.1 green tea + few drops of lemon
.20 cl of pure pineapple juice


.Pancake (40 grams of oatmeal, egg white 4 + 1 egg yolk + water)
.1 green tea + few drops of lemon
.20 cl of pure pineapple juice

Snack 1 (10:30)
.1 shaker whey (30gr) or 4 egg whites or 120 grams of chicken breast
.10 almonds

Breakfast: (12.30-13.00)
.120g chicken breast
.200 to 300 g of green vegetables
.40 g basmati rice
.1 tablespoon olive oil

Snack 2 (15.30-16.00)
.1 apple
.120 g chicken breast or 30 g of whey
.Some almonds (max 10)

Training (18H00)
.10 g of BCAA in 1 L of water

Post-workout (7:30 p.m.)
.30 grams of whey
.20 grams of maltodextrin
.5 g Glutamine

Diner (20H30-21H00)
.100g sweet potato
.150g white fish (hake)
.200-300 grams of green vegetables

.Sunset (22H30-23h00)
.200 g cheese 0%

For meat vary from:
.chicken breast
.salmon fillet (one to two times per week)
.Steak Haché 5% fat

For vegetables range from:
.300 g of broccoli
.300 g of green beans
.300 g of spinach
.Tomatoes + ect ...

Sauces - Dressing - Cooking:
.Spices (paprika, cury, various spices ...)
.Olive oil (mainly for cooking + some on up to 5 ml dishes)
.Coconut oil (5 to 10 g)

Here we have assumed your training at night between 18 and 20 H.

Our advice to refine your approach and achieve your goals

.For Those who train in the morning, for example, place the evening meal (post training) right after your workout.
.Essayer To keep a supply of all proteins 3H.
.L'alimentation Plays a very important role, but do not forget the strength training program to match.
.In Based on your products, intake calories may vary.
.Consommer Between 2.5 and 3 liters of water per day.
.If You consume BCAA tablets, take 5 grams before and after training.
.L'objectif In a dry and gradually reduce the carbs and those over several weeks / months.
.N'hésitez Not complement you to fill some vitamin deficiencies can.
.The Food are weighed raw.
.Adaptez Your approach, if you lose too quickly increase a little carbohydrates, so you do not lose the decrease.