Holla fitness program

Exclusive lessons in fitness, fitness workout ,fitness exercises,Videos renewed,your way towards the summit. acupuncture for weight loss

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fitness programme

Hello girls :)!

Recently, I had a lot of questions from girls who were motivated by two great programs, Tracy Anderson and Brazil Butt Lift, and who did not know which to choose. I tried modestly to determine the objectives of each of the "sporting past," the kind of results expected, the problem areas, the type of training that would please the most ... and I ended up one or advisor the other, according to the responses they gave me.

And there's no time I thought ... but why choose the end?

With Brazil Butt Lift, I have personally seen blatant results after two weeks, and comments from girls my Facebook group that could test the program also go in this direction: all girls have lost cm very quickly, for an average of 2 cm each thigh, abdomen 3 cm, 2 cm hips and all that after two weeks !! Imagine your transformation after two months ..
This is the beginning which are the most difficult, is desired all results quickly, and with the BBL was !!

With Tracy Anderson, I returned to the sport a year ago, she motivated me to return to a lifestyle centered around sport and a healthy diet.
I lost centimeters after 10 days now, and my pictures show the speed with which changes have occurred ... In one month I had lost 2.5 cm in height, 3.5 cm in each thigh, 1.5 cm buttocks ... in just one month I already accepted much better, and it is these rapid changes that motivated me to continue !!!

Between this revolutionary method that is Brazil Butt Lift, really adapted to women's problem areas and makes you buttocks of hell, and Tracy Anderson is a program that will refine you everywhere, hard to choose.

So today, I chose not to choose .... :) by offering this program "hybrid", a mix between Brazil Butt Lift and Tracy Anderson.

I took the calendar "TOO BIG" (for "big butt") BBL, since it is the one most often chosen, and I added sessions Tracy.

Tracy sessions that are added concern only building muscle: for an effective program, every time it is written Tracy on the calendar, you must choose between:
- Mat
- Post Pregnancy
- Metamorphosis (muscle building part)

That hoping that this hybrid please, and you will not have to rack your brains by asking you which program to choose between Tracy and BBL :) !!

And please tell me what you thought :)

A soon for new adventures :) !!