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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fitness: rower, bike, elliptical, carpets ... what machine to what effect?

Glutes, calves, abs ... fitness equipment do work many body part. Follow the advice of a pro to choose what you need.

Whether in the club or at home, fitness machines are a great way to keep in shape. Rower for back, leg or elliptical stepper for the buttocks, each device has its advantages. But in all cases, "for truly visible results, do at least three 45-minute sessions a week," advocates Lucile Woodward, sports coach and blogger, explains how to keep the line and tone her body in a new book A dream figure, it is wicked, to Leduc editions. Here are his pro tips to titrate the most of each machine.

This machine reproduces running without the impact of the feet on the ground can cause back pain and knee. She brings a profit for the legs and abs provided they are very well placed: Keep your heels on the platform without pressing with tiptoe. This activates the calves, back of thighs and buttocks. To engage the abdominals, you must remain upright without holding sleeves. This position requires to tighten the belly for balance. Finally, to beef up the glutes, it is very efficient pedaling backwards.

-The Stepper
It reproduces the rising and down the stairs. Keep constantly heels on the stairs, never take off. Doing so may hurt your knees pressing tiptoes. Try to let go of the handles to straighten you. Do not lean forward because this is bad for the spine. To beef up the rear buttocks, make small quick steps. To beef up the outside of the calves, back of thighs and buttocks, made long strides.
-The Carpet racing
This machine can make walking or running more easily than on the floor because the impact is cushioned. It is recommended to have old sneakers under 18 months to have a quality cushioning. Do not necessarily choose the high-end, but replace them often.
The treadmill works the legs, calves, thighs and buttocks. To insist particularly on the buttocks and calves, you can climb the carpet. To work the midsection, the option can be used "declined" proposed on some carpet. In all cases, favor the foot roll by placing the heel first. We must recover and place the shoulder just above basin. Ask a coach to observe your stride, as it often has a position too far forward.

-The bicycle
This activity has no impact on the joints. It is suitable for overweight people. The bike works the thighs, calves and glutes a little. You can also have effects on the abdominal and small muscles around the vertebrae, provided they are well placed: straight, no slouch on the handlebars, lengthening the back and clearing shoulders. Do not press the pedal. We must coordinate the "supported" and "reassembled" pedal to properly balance the stress on the inside and outside of the thighs.

-The Rower
This is the top fitness machines! If there was only one machine to use, it would be the rower. It works the legs, abs, back, biceps. It is very complete and it's sweat. It is also very effective for weight back and so excellent for those who have back pain.
Ideally, you have to practice 30 minutes 2-3 times a week, but 15 minutes is already very effective. One should be very well placed. They turn with the buttocks, shoulders and we go back we keep good alignment arm, then secondly it inspires and the bar is pulled.