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Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to use the machines in the gym?

If you are a (an) accustomed (e) of your fitness club, this article will you may look up to heaven, sighing, as it is primarily oriented "beginners".

Still, we must remember that when we arrived for the first time in a gym, the machines can confuse. We do not see necessarily how to use them and what they are for.

Marie-Claire, a sports visitor but never made into fitness room, sent me pictures of machines in its gym by writing, "I am especially cycling, the elliptical or rower because it's the only thing that I control. There are other machines, I do not know to use it but I would try. "There is no coach present in the Marie-Claire room.

Here then machine Machine photos and my explanations.

■ Machine name: leg press
■ Used to work: the thighs with a focus on the quadriceps (front thigh), but also the glutes.
■ Interest: the back is snug against the back of the machine, for beginners, there are slightly less likely to get backache than squats.
■ How to use: for the photo machine, adjust the weight in the back (black weight blocks located behind the machine). Once seated, feet positioned on the platform, although stable, it is necessary to press the lever on the right side of the seat to unlock the platform.

■ Highlights: pay attention to the angle of his knees. Some people position their feet down the platform, making it bend your knees up to the end of the movement, not ideal for the knee ligaments, especially with weights. It is better to position the top of the foot platform, even have toes in the air, but well flat feet, pushing on the heels. Push your heels is the key to activate their glutes.

■ Machine Name: bench press bench
■ Used to work: pectorals, triceps, front shoulders, with some teens to stabilize.
■ Interest: relatively little interest for beginners. We must raise the knees pumps ground, this is the same almost pushing motion.
■ How to use: first without weight on the bar just to try. To put weight on the bar, put the disks on each side and secure with small clips so they do not move. (Typically, these small clips are findable near discs).

■ Highlights: feet flat on the ground for maximum stability. Keep your back in contact with the bench, not to arch your back.

■ Machine Name: pec-deck
■ Used to work: the pectorals
■ Interest: relatively little interest because isolating the pectorals without work other muscles.
■ How to use: adjust the seat to the correct height in order to have arms outstretched, elbows at 90 degrees to start the movement.

■ Highlights: keep your back flat against the back of the machine. Do not deviate too much arm back the beginning and end of the movement to protect the shoulder joint.

■ Machine Name: Smith machine or 'framework guided'
■ Used to work: several exercises are possible with this guided bar that moves vertically. The exercises I recommend are the slots, and the horizontal traction.
■ Interest: this bar allows you to do several different exercises, while remaining stable. It moves only up and down and there are safeguards to prevent the bar from falling in case of accident.

■ How to use: the bar must unlock to make it 'draggable' from the bottom up. Generally on most machines, you have to turn slightly inward bar to unlock.

■ Machine Name: high pulley
■ Used to work: the dorsal, pectoral, arms.
■ Interest: allows to work the upper body in a full-motion close-ups of the movement. Its back-end work can create the illusion of a slimmer waist. It is also possible to change the high bar to put shorter. One can also change the positioning of the hands. Based on this, we can focus more on the biceps more on backend.

■ How to use: Adjust the seat to the proper height. Sit legs wedged under small socks, feet flat on the floor. Grasp the bar hands apart and bring the bar to the chest swelling chest and bringing the elbows back. These are the bends which guide the descending movement down.
■ Highlights: when the bar is up and we have arms up, trying to keep shoulders down to maintain stability at the shoulder joint. So avoid having shoulders at ear level. Also keep elbows slightly bent even with extended arms. The goal is not to stretch up their arms.

■ Machine Name: Larry Scott desk
■ Used to work: biceps

■ Interest: little interest. Isolates only the biceps, a small muscle group, which is already working with prints in high pulley seen previously.

■ Machine Name: Ab circle pro
■ Used to work: is supposed to work the abs but I never had the opportunity to try this machine. It is not a conventional gym machine but a machine 'gadget' that was sold in teleshopping broadcasts in the last few years.
■ Interest: not really, maybe 5 minutes to warm up like that or have fun. Note that the company that sold the product has taken a big lawsuit for false advertising (Ab Circle Pro Marketers Charged for Deceptive Advertising).

■ How to use: we must place both knees in both circles and start to oscillate from one side then the other.

■ Machine Name: Ab Roller
■ Used to work: the abs, but only the front abs (the rectus)
■ Interest: none. Or unless you really want to do crunches, one of the least useful ab exercises.

■ How to use: putting the head on the small pillow and doing crunches.

■ Machine Name: incline bench
■ Used to work: the abs by doing readings bust or legs statements.

■ Interest: little interest for beginners it is better to the sheathing. In general ab exercises that are pushing the belly outward should be avoided, especially for women who have already had children, it only pushes the viscera down. Leg statements however are less problematic.

■ Name the first machine: Captain flesh - Roman chair
■ Used to work: the abs and hip flexors
■ Interest: yes, but only by the hyper movement slowly. And it is likely that the arms and shoulders tired before the abs.

■ How to use: knees bent to start. Back pressed against the back, trying to keep shoulders down and chest forward without sinking down.
■ Name the second machine: bench for extensions of the bust
■ Used to work: spinal muscles, lower back, buttocks
■ Interest: strengthening the lower back.
■ How to use: hang her feet under the tubes and adjust the panel to the right length to her legs.

■ Highlights: back straight with mild lumbar curvature, immobilized basin, well-controlled movement.

So much for the explanations Machine machine. But in general I'm not a fan of the machines (as I explained in this article "Beginners in bodybuilding where to start?"). To understand visually what you do when you're on a machine, I recommend the reference book on the subject, body movements guide: Anatomic Approach.

I hope I could help Marie-Claire to better understand the machinery of his room. Players and experienced readers (e) s, which machines of his room would you recommend him?