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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Innovative Sports: I turn to electrostimulation!

Sports more and more high-tech continue to prove themselves. Electrostimulation coached one of them. Immersion in the discovery of this sports concept ... vibrating!

Blue, Yellow, Red, Squeeze! The session has just begun already hundreds of small vibrations are felt in all members and are displayed on the screen of the electronic machine.

No body part is not forgotten, the abs glutes, through the lumbar, dorsal or pectoral, anything goes! You are indeed in a course electrostimulation coached Mihabodytec.

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS in the jargon) is not an astronaut suit for space discovery, but a concept whose virtues are housed under a vest.

Top chrono! Let's go for short but intense 20 minutes of work. All body muscles are stimulated at the same time, for a tenfold efficiency. Each pair of electrodes sends low currents to the connected body areas for action in depth and simultaneously.

Whether practiced for sport preparation of high level, thinning, attenuation of cellulite, increasing muscle mass, relaxation, improving mobility, but also for the prevention of obesity, osteoporosis, cardiac rehabilitation or muscle hypertonicity; the practice of electrostimulation stimulates and supports physical effort.

His interest also lies in its complex process that requires the body to fight against his own strength. Formidable recalcitrant to the gym!

A true innovation in terms of sports and fitness, this high-tech equipment trend of the year 2015, already used in medicine and physical therapy for years, raged. Coaching studios bloom in the hexagon, especially in Paris.
Basic rates: 45 € per session and 350 € for 10 in center. € 80 the home unit. Rooms and details at: www.miha-bodytec.com/fr/.