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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sport: What is a good jogging session?

Given the enthusiasm of the French for running in recent years, you would think that running is innate. But in practice, there are rules to follow. It explains everything.

How to get to run without stopping?
For love of your own body, keep your ego in your pocket and do not play Usain Bolt from the first session. You are would earn nothing but a wound that would immobilize you several weeks and you bring back to level 0 of the jogger.
To run well, we must also learn to be patient and to develop its endurance capabilities. "There is no point in running, you have to leave on time" say the fable of La Fontaine. On the same principle, the interest of the running is not running at full and powerful crumble after 10 minutes, but whether stand on the length, even adopt a slow early pace . Therefore, learn to know the rhythm of your own body.

How is a good session?
Even experienced joggers must go through a warm-up before accelerating in their stride. The aim is to wake up the body smoothly by performing a 10 minute walk where one stretches the maximum muscles. Take time to "unlock" your body by repeating several large expirations by inflating the belly and inspirations in the digging. The pace for the rest? One that allows you to be able to hold a real conversation without feeling particularly breathless.
The first week, practice for 20 minutes, during which you will alternate running and walking phases. Then you go from week to week to 35, 45 and finally 60 minutes. This will increase the running phases gradually while reducing those of recovery.
During and after exercise, remember to stay hydrated (a sip every 10 minutes during the race, then at will). The next meal jogging, automatically include the carbohydrates on your plate. They are in fact vital to reduce muscle pain and other aches, as well as stretching sessions end. Ideally, we should devote a good 10 minutes, even if it may seem tedious at the time.

And after ?
The more the body has been inactive longer, it takes time to recover. Rather logic. To prevent a nasty injury, allow your body time to recover between sessions. Specifically, space them at least 3 days that you commit not any intensive sport. With experience, your body will be honed to the effort, and you can run more often and longer.

Find more tips to learn how to hold a jog an hour in just 4 weeks, in the book of Marie Poirier, The Running lazy (Editions Marabout - 13.99 euros).